Welcome to the First Annual Jackstock

August 21 - 23, 1998

Reinbeck, Iowa

Jackstock is a group of on-line carvers that met on the Wwwoodcarvers List operated by Bill Judt. These carvers started chatting live on Powwow, then moved their weekly chats to ICQ, and finally onto mIRC. It came about that some of the regular chatters wished to meet face to face, it was decided that the group would go to Iowa to one of the members homes for "coffee". The fortunate, (well, those of us that know better wonder if he is indeed fortunate ***girn***) member chosen for hosting this event was Mr. Jack Royer, hence the name "Jackstock". The meeting will take place the weekend of August 21st-23rd, with members from Australia, Canada and all across the United States attending. Check out this page for a roaring update of the weekend!!!

And Now for the Low Down !!!!!

"Jackstock"……My Impressions

4 AM is no time for any self-respecting night owl to be getting out of bed, but on this particular morning, I have no trouble. Starting with 107, I have been counting down the days on my "Audubon America" calendar. I jump out of bed, into the shower and pack a few last minute items. With a few square inches of space left in the suitcase, I can pack a few more things!!! Oops….Better get moving! With construction on the Interstate I had better allow some extra time to get to the airport in Portland!! So, I grab the oatmeal raisin cookies (that tin ought to set off that metal detector!!), and a bagel for the ride, and off I go in the dark. It is raining and foggy…typical for Maine.

Armed with a copy of "Dead Duck", which Kim had read, signed and sent to me, I check my brand new, never-been-used suitcase with wheels! and proceed to the correct gate.

I've never been to Chicago. It's a good thing I have a long time between flights, because I am lost going from Terminal 1 to Terminal 2 and have to go outside to find the right building!! No problem. Hmmmm!! Still have 2 hours to wait. Guess I'll walk around the airport. Oh!!! Candy made in Chicago……guess I'll bring some to Jack and Caroline. After all I have to buy something in Chicago.

Almost there. I have all kinds of thoughts and emotions as I board the Beechcraft B100 20-seat plane destined for Waterloo. What do I say when I get there?? I've been chatting with these people for so long….but do I really know them??? Will I still like them?? Will they still like me??? I've never seen the mid-west, and wouldn't you know…, I have the only seat on the plane without a window.

I am finally in Waterloo, Iowa. How will I know Jack??? I am greeted by a smiling man with a kind face and ….. is that a purple wig??? JACK!!!! "Hey!!!! Is this Heaven??" I ask. "No….this is Iowa", Jack responds. I am automatically at ease. Within about 20 minutes we see two more smiling faces………Harry and Bob!!!!!!! I know for sure that Jackstock is going to be great!!!!!! Cliff and Avril arrive at Jack and Caroline's house later…..more smiling faces!!!

With the exception of one major disappointment……Kim and Ron won't be able to get there… my few days in Iowa were even better than I could possibly have expected. I can't help wondering what set of circumstances caused us all to meet on the Internet and form such close bonds……whatever the reasons, I feel lucky to have found this gang….my family. I feel like I have known them all for a lifetime.

Jack had contacted the local newspaper, and Saturday morning Verne stopped by to interview us all for his article. Poor Verne!!! We did not make it easy for him…..all talking at once and excited to be there……..and laughing…….so much laughing!!!!! Verne returned later when Bonnie and Jim, Craig and Ainslie stopped in. Oh!!! More carvers to meet face to face!!!

Let the festivities begin!!!! Lots of food……great food!!!!! Great company!!!! Cameras!!! Bubbles!!! (hehe) Jack's grandson, Eric, playing the violin!!! More great food!!!! Conversation!!!! A look at samples of everyone's carving!!! More conversation. Laughter…….lots of laughter. Without a doubt, This IS Heaven!!!!! And I, for one, don't want this to end!!!!

I am glad that I didn't plan to leave on Sunday. It was in the next couple of days that we all really felt comfortable enough with each other to just relax and enjoy!!! I don't ever remember having laughed sooo much as I did in those few days. It is something very special when a group of individuals with such diverse backgrounds can hit it off so well!!! Harry……you really are a "Sweety"….warm, funny, smiling….but I knew that!!! Bob….you are nuts!!! (I mean that in a good way!) We think too much alike! Cliff……when things quiet down, we can always count on you to say just a few well-placed words that set us giggling!! And…..repeat after me…."I am a carver….I am a carver!!". Avril…..you are wonderful!!! I had no idea what to expect….but I enjoyed every second with you!!! Let's do it again some time!!!! Jack…..you are kind, generous, funny……and you have some great toys in that workshop!!!!!!(and the garage, and the computer room……J) And you share, too!!! Caroline…..you were an exceptional hostess…I can't thank you enough!!! You deserve a medal after Jackstock!!! You are all special people…talented, warm, caring……..! And I love you all!!

Jim, Bonnie, Craig and Ainslie……we didn't get a whole lot of time to talk….but it was really nice to meet all of you. It was also nice to see what you all carve!!! Maybe next time we will get to spend more time together.

Monday morning, my first experience with a midwestern thunderstorm…..we headed to the airport to see Harry off. It was sure strange to be able to see lightning so far away. Here in Maine we have so many hills and trees that obscure the horizon. We are all hoping that maybe Harry's flight will be cancelled due to the storms……but no such luck!!!! It is a teary departure…..and a long trip home for Harry due to the storms!!!! We talk to Harry on ICQ that night…..kind of helps…a little.

Tuesday morning I have a 7:50 am flight……whew, just made it!!!!!! No time to check the luggage through to Portland….so I will have to remember to claim it in Chicago. No problem since again I have 3 hours between flights!! But getting to the airport late has its advantage too……..no time for long, teary goodbyes … just some quick hugs and a "Hey……..Is this Heaven?" I watch as Waterloo shrinks and Iowa becomes a series of square plots of farmland. I take out "Dead Duck" and try to read…..I am already thinking about next year!!!!

Did you notice that…??? NEXT YEAR!!! Yes… Jackstock 1 was such a success that there are future Jackstock's planned….next year back in Iowa at Jack's, 2000 at Bette's in Michigan, and 2001 at Bob's in Mississippi. Oh I can't wait!!! As soon as we have a date, I'll get myself a new calendar and start counting down the days…….because I wouldn't miss that for anything!!!

Hey!!!!!!!!!!! Is this Heaven!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Written by Marcia Berkall, known to the chatters as "Mush"

"Jackstock 1998 Pictures"

If you have comments or suggestions about this web site, please e-mail Marcia Berkall.

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