Laurel, Montana
Hosted by:Barb Grove (aka Babalou, Artitch, EvilTwin)
Thank you again, Barb for a wonderful Jackstock event!
I have no lost luggage saga to report this time. Actually, everything went frighteningly smoothly.
Oh yes...going home, Kate, Mary's mom, was almost searched by TSA agents because she didn't have her "proper" identification
with her. Poor Kate is such a good sport and handles everything in stride. Fortunately, one of
the agents decided that her Medicare card, being a Federally issued document, would serve as identification.
Several of us brought blanks to share, so we did lots of carving. Cliff's elephants were a huge hit
despite the hard-as-ironwood basswood. Actually, they turned out quite well! And MJ got us all hooked
on carving those neat little start cube ornaments! I have carved several of them since, and even had
students in my class and members of my club carving them. There were others, too, way too numerous to
list here.
The atmosphere was awesome, like a big old family reunion. The weather was comfortable...I even woke up
one morning to find the windshield on the van, which Barb so graciously allowed me to call "home", covered
with snow!! As usual at these get-togethers, the food was great, the laughter was plentiful and hugs were
To all of those whoe were able to be there, it was great to see you all in person again! To those who have attended
in the past but weren't able to this year, we missed you big time and hope you will be able to join us
again at the next one. To those who haven't been to a Jackstock have no idea what you are missing!!
Hope you can make the next one!