Aberdeen, South Dakota
Hosts: Lon (aka Ole) and Mary Oleson
Participant Testimonials
Every Jackstock is special, and this was no exception. Ole and Mary...oh, and Pepper!... were hosts extraordinaire! It seems there is always a story. This year my plan was to meet up with Barb, Cliff and Avril in Billings, Montana, and the four of us would leave, right from the airport, and head west, stopping to see the sights along the way: Devil's Tower, Mount Rushmore, The National Museum of Wood Carving, Crazy Horse. We did get to see all but Devil's Tower, thanks to USAir's losing my luggage (with all my carving tools). We ended up spending a frustrating night at Barb's house trying desperately to locate my missing bag. It was the next day, on our way to Custer, that things finally got worked out and that evening the bag was delivered to our motel. Aren't cell phones great! : Throughout the ordeal, I must say that I couldn't have been in better company. There is nothing like being with people who love to laugh and "roll with the flow" when things just don't go right. After seeing the great sites in Custer we continued on our journey. The scenery was amazing to this Easterner who is surrounded by hills and trees.
When we got to Ole and Mary's, it was like old home week!! I always look forward to seeing MJ, Tom and Kate, and it was wonderful to get to meet John (Prairiejohn)! Ole's friends, Merl and Harold, were also great company, and Jake, Ole's young buddy and carving student was a joy!! What a great kid...I hope he continues to carve!! As usual, there were lots of laughs, lots of hugs, a lot of carving, LOTS of great food...did I say, lots of hugs?...and the best group of people anywhere!! Back at Barb's, after what seemed like a much longer trip than the one out to Aberdeen, we were lucky that DaveE was able to join us for a second mini Jackstock.
Big thanks, to Ole, Mary and Pepper, as well as to everyone who was able to make the trip. We sure missed those who were unable to be there, and hope that we can catch up with everyone next year at Prairiejohn's in Rose, OK, for our 10th Jackstock!! Hugs to everyone!!